
Barcelona93 Contents

PrefacevScheduleviiList of participantsix1Symplectic topology 
A. Ibort12Tangent supermanifold 
J. Monterde and O. A. Sánchez Valenzuela93Lagrangian BRST cohomology 
J. Marín Solano154Reparametrization algebras 
X. Gràcia, J.M. Pons and J. Roca215W symmetry and particle models 
J. Gomis, J. Herrero, K. Kamimura and J. Roca          296Quantization of constrained systems 
J.F. Cariñena377Material bodies and elasticity 
M. de León and M. Epstein478Stratified symplectic spaces 
M. Saralegi559String theory and enumerative geometry 
S. Xambó-Descamps6310Classical and quantum anomalies 
M. Asorey75