Grup de recerca sobre Geometria Diferencial, Sistemes dinàmics i Aplicacions
Grup de recerca sobre Geometria Diferencial, Sistemes dinàmics i Aplicacions
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Department of MathematicsDepartament de Matemàtiques |
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Technical University of CataloniaUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
This is the home page of the research group on Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, and Applications of the Department of Mathematics of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).
The activities of the group began in 1988, and can be roughly described as differential geometry and its applications, especially to theoretical physics and to control theory. Our main research topics are:
- Geometric structures in Physics
- Lagrangian and hamiltonian formalisms
- Higher-order systems, time-dependent systems
- Classical field theory
- Singular differential equations
- Symmetries and reduction
- Hamilton-Jacobi theory
- Geometric quantization
- Geometric methods in control theory
- Control of mechanical systems
- Geometric and algebraic control
- Optimal control
- Singular systems
We collaborate with other researchers in these topics, and in particular our group is involved in the Geometry, Mechanics and Control Network. We have organised two sessions of the Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics: Barcelona 1993 and Vilanova i la Geltrú 2000 and one session of the Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics, and Control: l'Ametlla de Mar 2009, as well a other activities in the network. We have also organised several sessions on mathematical physics in the CSASC meeting. Additional information about the group can be found at the following links:
Postal address
Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada IV Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Campus Nord UPC, edifici C3 C. Jordi Girona, 1 08034 Barcelona Catalonia, Spain
Email and phone
See the Personnel page, or look it up in the directory of our Department.
This web page is
It was started by J. Franch and X. Gràcia on 10 June 1997. You may send comments to
This web page is stored in the WWW server of the Department of Applied Mathematics IV.
Last update: 21 December 2012