Information Inequalities, secret sharing and applications
Ya está lista la programación del Summer School del MESIO UPC-UB 2016, > que coordina el Profesor Jordi Ocaña. La podéis consultar aquí:
This is a reminder for the next Come Seminar Fast Transient Dynamics with Fluid-Structure Interaction and Mesh Adaptivity by Europlexus
Al Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) 20-22 d'abril 2016 (Advanced mini-courses & invited talks)
Conference on symplectic geometry and dynamical systems with talks given by graduate and post-graduate students
Tindrà lloc al CRM de l'11 al 15 d'abril, dins el Programa Intensiu de Recerca del CRM sobre sistemes dinàmics nonsmooth.
We want to remind you the upcoming 3rd Barcelona Summer School on Stochastic Analysis: A 2016 EMS Summer School which will be held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, Barcelona from June 27 to July 1, 2016.
Conference on symplectic geometry and dynamical systems with talks given by graduate and post-graduate students
Christoph Spiegel (Freie Universität Berlin): Threshold functions for systems of equations in random sets
Speaker: Wim Schoutens, Catholic University of Leuven Títol: New challenges in Mathematical Finance: Conic CVA and DVA
By: Giulia Traverso (TU Darmstadt, Germany) Title: Dynamic and Verifiable Hierarchical Secret Sharing
A càrrec de Yoshihiro Tonegawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
John Hogan (University of Bristol): Singularities in planar piecewise smooth systems.
Nina Asadipour defensarà la Tesis Doctoral 'Rheological models for tissue relaxation and fluidisation' de la que és director Jose J. Muñoz Romero
"Automata Equations", Speaker: Albert Garreta (Stevens Institute)
Seminari de Sistemes dinàmics UB-UPC. Alejandro Luque: Aplicación asistida por ordenador del teorema KAM