
Junior GESTA: Symplectic geometry and dynamical systems

Conference on symplectic geometry and dynamical systems with talks given by graduate and post-graduate students


27/04/2016 a 10:30 fins a 28/04/2016 a 12:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


EPSEB, Sala de Graus

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


This two-day conference will feature talks by graduate and post-graduate students from different universities. The common theme is symplectic geometry and dynamical systems. More details can be found on our website

Attention: change of room. The conference will take place in Sala de Graus (EPSEB).

 List of speakers

* Roisin Braddell (Université de Bordeaux)
* Damien Bouloc (Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier)
* Álvaro del Pino Gomez (ICMAT Madrid)
* Anna Kiesenhofer (UPC Barcelona)
* Cédric Oms (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
* Jose Luis Perez Garcia (ICMAT Madrid)
* Samuel Ranz (ICMAT Madrid)
* Abdó Roig (UPC Barcelona)
* Carles Sáez (Universitat de Barcelona)
* Rodrigo Schaefer (UPC Barcelona)