
Ajuts Formació de Doctors 2024

Oberta la convocatòria dels Ajuts Formació de Doctors 2024 (antigues beques FPI), associats a projectes d'investigació del ministeri. D'aquests n'hi ha tres relacionats amb el nostre departament.

  • Ajuts Formació de Doctors 2024
  • 2024-10-15T02:00:00+02:00
  • 2024-10-27T14:00:00+01:00
  • Oberta la convocatòria dels Ajuts Formació de Doctors 2024 (antigues beques FPI), associats a projectes d'investigació del ministeri. D'aquests n'hi ha tres relacionats amb el nostre departament.

15/10/2024 a 02:00 fins a 27/10/2024 a 14:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


Els tres projectes són:
Project name: Interactions of Geometry with Algebra and Applications (INTERGAP)
Reference: PID2023-146936NB-I00

Brief description: We are an internationally recognized research group at the forefront of geometry and algebra, with a strong tradition of exploring their interactions. Our work spans the cutting edges of Poisson and Symplectic Geometry and the intersection of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. 
Beyond pure mathematics, we tackle interdisciplinary challenges in Biology, Phylogenetics, Robotics, Astrodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, and Physics. Some possible lines of research for the PhD student include the Weinstein conjecture, the Arnold conjecture, the Navier-Stokes conjecture, hybrid computers, invariants of singularities (Bernstein-Sato polynomials, Hodge ideals, Test ideals), the weak ordinarity conjecture,  fibered varieties, algebraic substitution models, phylogenetic reconstruction. 

PI(s): Eva Miranda ( and Josep Alvarez (
Other members: Maria Alberich, Jaume Amorós, Miguel Ángel Barja, Guillem Blanco, Marta Casanellas, Jesús Fernández, Marco Gualtieri, Marta Mazzocco, Francesc Planas.

Candidate profile: We are looking for strong candidates with a solid background in geometry and algebra with an open mind towards interactions with physics, biology or robotics.

Project name: COntemporary COmbinatorics and Applications (COCOA)

Brief description: Combinatorics is a broad discipline in the forefront of modern mathematics extending its influence across many other scientific fields. This proposal explores a wide variety of its applications, both of purely mathematical nature and delving into the realm of complex systems such as the world-wide web, sociology, telecommunication, and quantum computation. Approaches to combinatorial problems are inherently diverse, encompassing algebraic, analytic, geometric and probabilistic tools. The combined expertise of the team in these methods is the identity mark of our research group and will allow us to address open problems and new trends in the area.

PI(s): Simeon Ball ( and Guillem Perarnau (

Candidate profileWe are looking for motivated candidates with a strong background in combinatorics, who would like to work on its interactions with geometry, analysis, number theory or probability.
Project name: Geometric and Abstract Graphs: Theory and Applications

Brief description: This project aims to advance the theoretical foundations in and at the intersection of geometric graphs and abstract graphs, as well as linking such theoretical insights to applications. The starting hypothesis is that there is considerable uncharted terrain in theoretical and applied aspects at the intersection of Computational Geometry and Graph Theory and Algorithms, in particular regarding geometric graphs. To tackle cutting-edge problems in this unexplored territory, we need to combine and develop new insights and techniques in both areas. The PhD position is expected to work on two main research lines. The first one, more theoretical, focuses on combinatorial and algorithmic questions in geometric graphs. Considering simultaneously the graph information and the geometry of the embeddings makes many tools from abstract graphs not directly applicable, but it also opens the door to use geometric insights. The second line is of a more applied nature, aiming at bringing the deep understanding of geometric and abstract graphs present in the research team to concrete problems in robot reconfiguration and geographic information analysis.

PI(s): Irene Parada ( and Rodrigo Silveira (

Candidate profileSince the research focus of the PhD position is on geometric graph algorithms, a strong background in discrete mathematics or theoretical computer science is ideal.