
Col·loqui a càrrec de Tere Martínez-Seara al Women in Math day

El "Women in Math Committee (WiM)" de la European Mathematical Society ha organitzat una jornada on-line el dia 20 de maig anomenada "EMS/WiM Day" dins la incitaiva "May 12th", a celebration of women in Mathematics in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani.


20/05/2022 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)



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Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


El "Women in Math Committee (WiM)" de la European Mathematical Society ha organitzat una jornada on-line anomenada  "EMS/WiM Day" dins la incitaiva "May 12th", a celebration of women in Mathematics in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani.

Més Informació (en anglès):

The event consists of scientific talks (at the level of a Colloquium talk) of two distinguished speakers, which will take place online on Friday, 20 May 2022
with the following schedule:

14:45 CEST     Welcome

15:00 CEST     Tara Brendle (Glasgow University, UK)

16:00 CEST     Tere M. Seara (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)


Passcode: 216273


Tara Brendle (Glasgow University, UK)

Title: Symmetries of manifolds

Abstract: Riemann introduced manifolds in the mid-19th century as a mechanism
for understanding n-dimensional space.  Landmark achievements in mathematics
since then include the classification of 2-manifolds in the early 20th century
as well as the more recent (though more complicated) classification of
3-manifolds completed by Perelman.  However, the story does not end with
classification: there is a rich theory of symmetries of manifolds, encoded in
their mapping class groups. In this talk we will explore some aspects of mapping
class groups in dimensions 2 and 3, with a focus on  illustrative examples.

Tere M. Seara (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)

Title: Arnold diffusion: an overview and recent results

Abstract: In this talk I will talk about the phenomenon known as Arnold
diffusion. Equivalently we will show the mechanism that creates big effects
after applying arbitrarily small forces for a sufficiently large time. In the
language of Hamiltonian Systems, we will consider small periodic in time
perturbations of an integrable system. It is known that the energy is preserved
in an integrable system, as well as other quantities known as actions. We will
show that an arbitrarily small perturbation can create big increments in the
energy (and in the actions) and we will explore the dynamic mechanism that is
behind this phenomenon.