Curs sobre la fonamentació matemàtica de la computació quàntica a càrrec del Prof. J.M. Tornero (IMAS - U. Sevilla).
Disentangling ecological networks in marine microbes
A study on structure recovery and the broadcasting problem
Disentangling ecological networks in marine microbes
Automatic recognition of different types of acute leukaemia using peripheral blood cell images
A census for Curves and Surfaces with Diophantine Stability over Finite Fields
A study on structure recovery and the broadcasting problem
Algebraic and semi-algebraic phylogenetic reconstruction
Qualitative properties of solutions to integro-differential elliptic problems
Ejection-collision orbits in the Restricted Three-Body Problem
Algebraic and semi-algebraic phylogenetic reconstruction
An effective method to study the Hopf-Galois module structure of certain extensions of fields
Sessions híbrides a l'aula PC1 de l'FME i via Google Meet
Sessions híbrides a l'aula PC1 de l'FME i via Google Meet
An effective method to study the Hopf-Galois module structure of certain extensions of fields.
Contextualització de la Física (5a sessió) - Contextualització de la dinàmica en un primer curs d'enginyeria d'automoció
Joan-Carles Lario, co-organitzador de les Jornades Curves over Finite Fields Past, Present and Future
The embedding problem for Markov matrices
A theoretical and computational study of the interaction between biomembranes and curved proteins
The geometry and topology of steady Euler flows, integrability and singular geometric structures
Les matemàtiques al servei de les actituds en enginyeria
El professor Germán Saez participa a la Jornada 'Girls in ICT Day 2021' de l’ETSETB.
Long-term privacy in electronic voting systems
A Hesitant Fuzzy Perceptual-Based Approach to Model Linguistic Assessments
Special values of the triple product p-adic L-function
Troba referents per inspirar el teu futur professional
Deep learning system for the automatic classification of normal and dysplastic peripheral blood cells as a support tool for the diagnosis.
Sessió virtual de Contextualització de les matemàtiques el 17 de març a les 12:15h, a càrrec d'Anna Rio, amb el títol "Criptografia: L'aritmètica dels nombres grans".
The first meeting of the Barcelona-Würzburg Mathematical Physics Factory will take place on February 23, 24 online. This series of meetings is organized jointly by Professor Miranda at UPC and Professor Waldmann at Univ. Wurzburg.