Publications by Marta Casanellas
Algebraic statistics for computational biology:
- L. Sierra, M. Casanellas, P. Zwiernik, Tensors in algebraic statistics,
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, Phylogenetic invariants: straightforward from the general Markov to equivariant models,
M. Casanellas, R. Homs-Pons, A. Torres, A novel algebraic approach to time-reversible evolutionary models, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (2024), 84 (4), 1845-1867. pdf Supplementary Material
M. Casanellas, Phylogenetic reconstruction based on algebra, in Cutting-edge Mathematics (RSME 2022), H.Herrero, M.C.Navarro, H.Serrano, eds., Springer, 2024, pp 26-44, pdf
M. Casanellas, M. Garrote-López, P. Zwiernik, Identifiability in robust estimation of tree structured models, Bernoulli journal (2024), 30(1), 1-21.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Garrote-López, M. Sabaté-Vidales, Designing weights for quartet-based methods when data is heterogeneous across lineages, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2023), vol. 85, 68.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, J. Roca-Lacostena, The embedding problem for Markov matrices, Publicacions Matemàtiques (2023) 67(1), 411-445.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Garrote-López, SAQ: semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction method, IEEE/ Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (2021), 18 (6), 2855-2861.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, Rank conditions on phylogenetic networks, in "Extended Abstracts GEOMVAP 2019", Trends in Mathematics Springer-Birkhäuser (2021), vol. 15, 65-69
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Garrote-López, Distance to the stochastic part of phylogenetic varieties, Journal of Symbolic Computation (2021), vol. 104, 563-682,
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, J. Roca-Lacostena, An open set of 4x4 embeddable matrices whose principal logarithm is not a Markov generator, Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2020), 1-12
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, J. Roca-Lacostena, Embeddability and rate identifiability of Kimura 2-parameter matrices, Journal of Mathematical Biology (2020), 80, 995-1019,
M. Casanellas, S. Petrovic, C. Uhler, Algebraic Statistics in Practice: Applications to Networks, Annual Review of Statistics and its Applications (2020), vol. 7, 227-250.
M. Casanellas, J. Rhodes, Algebraic Methods in Pylogenetics, preface of the special issue "Algebraic methods in phylogenetics" of Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2019), 81 (2), 313-315, guest editors M. Casanellas and J. Rhodes,
M. Ruffini, M. Casanellas, R. Gavaldà, A new method of moments for latent variable models, Machine Learning (2018), 107:1431–1455,,
C. Améndola, M. Casanellas, L.D. García-Puente, Tapas of algebraic statistics, Notices of the AMS (2018), 65 (8), 936-938.
M. Casanellas, El modelo evolutivo de Kimura, un enlace entre el álgebra, la biología i la estadística, La Gaceta de la RSME (2018) vol. 21 (2), 241-257.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Garrote-López, The inertia of the symmetric approximation for low rank matrices, Linear and Multilinear algebra (2018), 66 (11), 2349-2353, download
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Michalek, Local equations for equivariant evolutionary models, Advances in Mathematics (2017) , 315, 285-323, arxiv:1512.07174.
M. Casanellas, M. Steel, Phylogenetic mixtures and linear invariants for equal input models, Journal of Mathematical Biology (2017), 74(5), 1107-1138, doi:10.1007/s00285-016-1055-8, arXiv:1602.04671
M. Casanellas (and M. Steel) Phylogenetic Mixtures and Linear Invariants for Evolutionary Models with Non-uniform Stationary Distribution, Oberwolfach reports 20 (2017), 1233-1234.
J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Casanellas, Invariant versus classical approach when evolution is heterogeneous across sites and lineages, Systematic Biology (2016), 65 (2), 280-291, doi 10.1093/sysbio/syv086.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Michalek, Low degree equations for phylogenetic group-based models, Collectanea Mathematica 66 (2015), 203-225, doi: 10.1007/s13348-014-0120-0.
E. Ibañez, M. Casanellas, EMtree for phylogenetic topology reconstruction on nonhomogeneous data, BMC Evolutionary Biology (2014) 14:132.
A. Kedzierska, M. Casanellas, Empar: EM-based algorithm for parameter estimation of Markov models on trees, arxiv:1207.1236
M. Casanellas, A. Kedzierska, Generating Markov evolutionary matrices for a given branch length, Linear Algebra and its Applications (2013), 438, 2484-2499.
A. Kedzierska, M.Casanellas, GenNon-h: Generating multiple sequence alignments on nonhomogeneous phylogenetic trees, BMC Bioinformatics (2012) 13:216, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-216.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, A. Kedzierska, The space of phylogenetic mixtures for equivariant models,arXiv:1110.0920, Algorithms for Molecular Biology 7:33, 2012, doi:10.1186/1748-7188-7-33.
M. Casanellas, Algebraic tools for evolutionary biology, International Association for Mathematical Phyisics - News Bulletin, April 2013, p.22-36.
M. Casanellas, Algebraic tools for evolutionary biology, EMS Newsletter , December 2012, p.12-18.
M. Casanellas, Técnicas algebraicas para la evolución de las especies. Gaceta de la RSME (2012), 15 (3).
A. Kedzierska, M.Drton, R. Guigó, M. Casanellas, SPIn: model selection for phylogenetic mixtures via
linear invariants, Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (2012), 929-937. -
M. Casanellas, J.Fernández-Sánchez, Relevant phylogenetic invariants of evolutionary models, J. Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 96 (2011), 207-229.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, Geometry of the Kimura 3-parameter model, Advances in Applied Mathematics 41 (2008), 265-292.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, Performance of a new invariants method on homogeneous and non-homogeneous quartet trees, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24(1):288-293, 2007, Supplementary Material.
M. Casanellas, S. Sullivant, The strand symmetric model, in "Algebraic statistics for computational biology", ed. L. Pachter and B. Sturmfels, Cambridge University Press 2005.
M. Casanellas, L. Garcia, S. Sullivant, Catalog of small trees, in "Algebraic statistics for computational biology", ed. L. Pachter and B. Sturmfels, Cambridge University Press 2005.
For non-specialized readers:
M. Casanellas, Las matemáticas de la evolución y la biodiversidad, unidad didáctica dentro de Las matemáticas del Planeta Tierra (2014), FECYT.
M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, Reconstrucción filogenética usando geometría algebraica, Arbor CLXXXXVI 746 (2010), 1023-1033, .
M. Casanellas, Models algebraics en filogenètica, Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, 21 (2006), 213-228, pdf.
M. Casanellas, Genètica i geometria algebraica, Butlletí de la FME 2005.
Algebraic geometry:
M. Casanellas, R. Hartshorne, Stable Ulrich bundles, International J. Mathematics, 23 (2012) 1250083-1250133.
M. Casanellas, R. Hartshorne, ACM bundles on cubic surfaces, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 13 (2011), 709-731.
M. Casanellas, The minimal resolution conjecture for points on the cubic surface, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 61 (2009), 29-49.
L. Bazzotti, M. Casanellas, Separators of points on algebraic surfaces, J. Pure and Appl. Alg 207 (2006), 319-326.
M. Casanellas, E. Drozd, R. Hartshorne, Gorenstein liaison and ACM sheaves, J. für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 584 (2005), 149-171.
M. Casanellas, R. Hartshorne, Gorenstein biliaison and ACM sheaves, J. Algebra, 278 (2004), 314-341.
N. Budur, M. Casanellas, E. Gorla, Hilbert functions of irreducible arithmetically Gorenstein schemes, J. Algebra, 272 (2004), 292-310.
M. Casanellas, Uniqueness of varieties of minimal degree containing a given scheme, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 356 (2004), 1875-1888.
M. Casanellas, Gorenstein liaison of 0-dimensional schemes, Manuscripta Mathematica, 111 (2003), 265-275.
M. Casanellas, R.M. Miró-Roig, On the Lazarsfeld-Rao property for Gorenstein liaison classes, J. Pure and Appl. Alg.179 (2003), 7-12.
M. Casanellas, R.M. Miró-Roig, Gorenstein liaison and special linear configurations, Illinois J. Math. 46 (2002) 129-143.
M. Casanellas, R.M. Miró-Roig, Gorenstein liaison of divisors on standard determinantal schemes and on rational normal scrolls, J. Pure and Appl. Alg. 164 (2001), 325-343
M. Casanellas, Glicci versus glicog, Rend. Sem. Mat. Torino 59 (2001), 127-129.
M. Casanellas, R.M. Miró-Roig, Gorenstein liaison of curves in P^4, J. Algebra 230 (2000), 656-664.
M. Casanellas, Characterization of non-connected Buchsbaum curves in P^n, Le Mathematiche, vol. LIV (1999), 187-195.