
Brief CV

I am a full professor at the Dpt. Matemàtiques at UPC and a researcher at Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. I teach at the Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística, at ETSEIB and FIB.

I did my PhD thesis in mathematics under the direction of RM Miró-Roig (University of Barcelona). The thesis lies in the field of algebraic geometry, specifically in liaison theory. After presenting the PhD in 2002, I did a postdoc with a Fulbright Scholarship at the University of California, Berkeley. During the stay, Professor R. Hartshorne (UC Berkeley) and I started a collaboration that led us to relate the theory of
liaison with the classification of beams ACM (without intermediate cohomology) on algebraic varieties. This classification has been the starting point of many subsequent studies by other researchers. As a result of this collaboration we have produced four papers.

In 2003 I obtained a Ramón y Cajal contract at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and I started to shift my interest into the
applications of algebraic geometry to computational biology. To get into this field, in 2004 I did research stays at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and again at UC Berkeley, this time to work with B. Sturmfels and L. Pachter. Since then my research focuses on the use of algebraic and geometric techniques in phylogenetics, mainly in collaboration with J. Fernández-Sánchez (UPC). Our work has given rise to publications in prestigious magazines of both mathematics (Advances in Mathematics, J. Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées...) and biology (Molecular Biology and Evolution, Systematic Biology). In this field I have supervised the PhD thesis of A. Kedzierska (with R. Guigó of the CRG)  and I've recently made a research stay in New Zealand to work with Mike Steel (director of the Biomathematics Research Center, New Zealand). 


At the level of research management, I have been the principal investigator of three competitive projects of the Spanish government involving fifteen researchers each, and I've been the Deputy Director of Research of the Department of Mathematics at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 2015-2018. In total I have produced more than 30 works (alone or in collaboration with 20 coauthors) that have recieved more than 300 citations. 

Regarding academic responsabilities, I have been the head of studies of the Degree in Data Science and Engineering at UPC in 2018-2022 and I am currently the coordinator at UPC of the PhD in Bioinformatics program.  

On the other hand, I have been actively involved in activities regarding dissemination of mathematics, and from 2014 until 2017 I have been a member of the Women's Committee of the European Mathematical Society and chair of the Women and Mathematics Commission of the Royal Society Spanish Mathematics. And last, but not least, I have three beautiful kids!