Research Centers and Groups
Research Groups
Contact: Josep Maria Olm
The aim of the group is to contribute to the progress of scientific knowledge, the training of
specialized personnel and the diffusion of technological advances, in the field of modeling and
control of complex systems, and its application to problems related to the generation,
conditioning, management and storage of electrical energy.
Contact: Francesc Pozo
CoDAlab is an active group at an interdisciplinary intersection of areas such as applied
mathematics, systems engineering and control, energy, or biomedical engineering. Research
within CoDAlab progresses in two interrelated directions: a theoretical one, providing insights to
the state of the art; and an applied one, developing useful tools in real-world systems, especially
in mechanical systems, civil engineering, and more recently, in the field of biomedical
Contact: Miquel Àngel Fiol
The research group has a wide range of interests including Extremal Problems in Combinatorics
and Graph Theory, Algebraic Graph Theory, Additive Combinatorics, Graph coloring, Graph
labelings and decompositions, Combinatorial Geometry, Geomteric and Combinatorial Group
Theory or Complex Networks.
Contact: Clemens Huemer
Computational geometry is a discipline that lies between mathematics and theoretical computer
science. The research group DCCG studies problems from computational geometry and its
applications, discrete and combinatorial geometry, and graph theory. We also study structural and
geometric aspects of graphs/networks.
Contact: Xavier Cabré
The aims of the present Research Group are the study of several subjects in the field of Partial
Differential Equations and their applications, also combined with the study of other
mathematical tools to deal with some specific models. A particular emphasis is put into models
that come from Physics, Mathematical Biology, and technological applications.
Contact: Jaume Sanz
Research and development in the field of precise GNSS navigation (GPS, GLONASS,
GALILEO and SBAS) and earth observation (atmospheric sounding of the ionosphere and
troposphere). Modelling of earth-science processes and systems, including biotechnology.
Contact: Marc Noy
The aim is to carry out research in the fields of enumerative combinatorics, algebraic
combinatorics and graph theory.
Contact: Eva Miranda
The general objective of the group is to study properties of mathematical structures of a
geometric type, such as algebraic, symplectic, differential varieties, etc., and it is intended to do
so from different points of view (global, local, dynamic, facing the applications) and using
different techniques (geometric, algebraic, topological, arithmetic, differential and
Contact: Ramon Quintanilla
The main aim of the research group is to study thermomechanical problems that can be modelled
in terms of partial differential equations. The group field of interest is broad, however, and
includes not only thermal problems but also other subjects that can be modelled in terms of
initial and boundary value problems.
Contact: Maria Rosa Massa
The group's aims are as follows:
a) to carry out and promote research on the history of science and technology;
b) to disseminate the results of research to the School of Industrial Engineering, to the Technical University of Catalonia and to the academic world in general;
c) to lend support to the teaching and research activities of the units and groups of the Technical University of Catalonia;
d) to foster the conservation, recovery, reuse and study of our cultural and technical heritage.
Contact: Xavier Molinero
Research in the foundations and applications of game theory. The main theoretical lines are the following:
(a) cooperative games and solution concepts;
(b) collective decision-making
mechanisms and power indices;
(c) restrictions to cooperation;
(d) multiplicity of alternatives;
(e) software.
The areas of application include economics, political science, sociology, management, industrial scheduling and technologies such as cryptography and reliability.
Contact: Jorge Luis Villar
The main goal of the research group is the study of mathematical problems in cryptology. The main research areas are the following: distributed cryptography and secure protocols. The groups working on cryptographic protocols have to share secret information. Multi-party computation and secret-sharing schemes are also studied. The aim of secure cryptographic protocolsis to analyse and design efficient and secure protocols, both for encryption and for digital signatures.
Contact: María José Jimenez
The research activities carried out in the working group MAPTHE framed in the context of discrete mathematics, specifically in the study of parameters that report on connectivity and structural properties of networks. The techniques used by the group comes from the fields of Combinatorics and Discrete Potential Theory.
Contact: M. Isabel Garcia Planas
The group's activity is framed in Systems Theory, with the systematic use of geometric techniques. The project intersects two lines of work: the A-invariant subspaces and bimodal, switched and multi-agent systems. Another problem to study is that of decoupling the perturbations of dynamic networks trying to design a feedback to make the closed-loop system decoupled where the controlled invariant subspaces they play a key role.
Contact: Tere M. Seara
The research activity is aimed at the development of analytical and numerical methods for dynamic systems, enjoying scientific leadership in several topics, such as Integrability, Invariant objects, K.A.M. Theory, Plane vector fields and applications to neuroscience, Poincaré-Melnikov Method, Splitting exponentially small separations, Diffusion, Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics.
Contact: Marta Peña
This research group aims to promote the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines from their social side. One way to achieve greater motivation of STEM students, from a didactic point of view, is through contextualization, illustrating the teaching of basic sciences through technological or engineering applications.
Contact: Joan Carles Lario
The group aims to carry out research in number theory and arithmetic geometry.
Research Centers and Institutes
External research groups (participated by members of the Department)
Contact Blas Echebarría
The group studies out-of-equilibrium systems using nonlinear dynamics techniques and their application to self-organization of complex systems, spatio-temporal pattern formation, biophysical systems, materials science, nanoscale devices, studies and measurements in architectural acoustics and environmental and energy.
Contact Jose Antonio Gili Ripoll
Basic and applied research in the classic work areas of Geodesy, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry, Topography, and, in general, all related to geographic information and its cartographic representation. But with special attention to new sensors and techniques for the capture, processing, storage and treatment of geographic information: GNSS systems (GPS, GALILEO,...), Laser Scanner sensors (LIDAR, terrestrial and aerial), altimetry and capture of satellite images, assessment of natural risks using GIS, etc.
Contact Jordi Castro
The group works on both numerical optimization and modeling problems that can be solved by optimization. His numerical optimization work includes the analysis of new optimization algorithms (linear, non-linear, continuous and integer) and their convergence, the development of numerical procedures for their computationally efficient implementation and comparison with existing algorithms .
Contact Cecilio Angulo
The group's main fields of study are the theory and application of learning systems and qualitative reasoning. The group is involved in the research and development of ubiquitous soft computing technologies in application areas that lead to the improvement of the quality of life of individuals and communities (
Contact Francisco Javier Villasevil
The INSIDE research group aims at innovation, development and research related to sustainable and ergonomic energy utilization systems. As well as R+D+I in systems, methodologies and strategies for applying multimedia and audiovisual tools to design and technological training.
Contact Antonio Huerta
LaCàN's research focuses on mathematical modeling and computational mechanics. More specifically, it strives for: (1) development and analysis of computational methods and (2) applications in applied sciences and engineering that provide significant added value.
Contact Ricard Gavaldà
LARCA is an international research group working in data mining, machine learning, data analysis and mathematical linguistics. We typically approach problems from strong mathematical principles, using modeling tools and techniques from algorithmic, computational complexity, automata theory, logic, discrete mathematics, statistics, and dynamical systems. We are also starting partnerships with companies and other institutions to apply our solutions to real-world problems.
Contact Mariano Lopez
The group's objective is the scientific and technological development of remote acquisition systems and equipment, with special emphasis on virtual instrumentation and oceanography, including simulations and statistical analysis methods, using advanced electronic design techniques.
Contact Ramon Pérez
Temporal and frequency analysis of signals and complex systems based on Artificial Intelligence techniques; Controller design for complex systems based on Artificial Intelligence techniques; Monitoring and intelligent monitoring of complex systems; Optimization of complex systems using Artificial Intelligence techniques; Validation and reconstruction of sensor data using Artificial Intelligence techniques.
Contact Carlos Andújar
In 2012, the Visualization, Virtual Reality and Graphic Interaction Research Center was created, adding to the experience of the Moving Group of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Geometry and Graphics Group of the University of Girona (UdG).