Open positions at DMAT
Disclaimer: This is not the official UPC's website for selection processes for the recruitment of teaching staff (PDI, personal docent investigador). The content of this page is only for informational purposes and may not be complete or up to date. The DMAT declines all responsibility for possible omissions or errors. We recommend visiting the official UPC's PDI recruitment and competitions site where the information is kept up to date, or this contact site.
- Tenure-eligible lecturer (lector/a): 1 position
Reference: 103_SAiP_PDI_2024-6726/172
Application submission period: CLOSED - Tenure-eligible lecturer (lector/a): 9 positions
Reference: LE-269-270-271-272-273-274-275-276-277/749
Application submission period: CLOSED
- Distinguished Serra Húnter Professor: 2 Positions
Reference: Serra Húnter Senior
Deadline for applications: CLOSED