


Combinatorics and Homotopy Day

Combinatorics and Homotopy Day. CRM 10 de febrer de 2016. Speakers: María Ronco, Andrew Tonks, Mark Weber. Organisers: Natàlia Castellana, Imma Gálvez, Joachim Kock.


10/02/2017 de 10:30 a 11:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


CRM, Aula per determinar

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5a edició Jornada d’Investigadors Predoctorals Interdisciplinària (JIPI)

La cinquena JIPI tindrà lloc el dijous 9 de febrer de 2017 al paranimf del edifici històric de la Universitat de Barcelona.


09/02/2017 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Paranimf de la Universitat de Barcelona

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L'assistència és oberta a tothom, però es prega la inscripció i es requereix inscriure's si es vol presentar un pòster o donar una xerrada.

La data límit d'inscripció és el 13 de gener de 2017.


Seminari d'edps i aplicacions. Gyula Csato (UPC): "TBA"


08/02/2017 de 15:00 a 16:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Aula S01. FME-UPC

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Xerrada sobre matemàtiques i art a l'Ateneu vilanoví.


03/02/2017 des de 19:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Local Ateneu Vilanoví. Plaça Llarga, 19 baixos · Vilanova i la Geltrú

Nom de contacte

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El proper divendres dia 3 de febrer, al local "Ateneu Vilanoví", a dos quarts de vuit del vespre tindrà lloc la xerrada sobre matemàtiques i art a càrrec de Joan Gómez.


Seminari de Geometria Algebraica UB-UPC-UAB: proper Lie groupoids are real analytic

David Martínez Torres (PUC Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). Proper Lie groupoids are real analytic. Divendres 27 de gener, 15h, Aula T2, FMI-UB.


27/01/2017 des de 15:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica, Gran Via, 585, 08007 Barcelona

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Seminari d'edps i aplicacions. Jose M. Mazón (U. Valencia): "Las desigualdades de Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz-Simon para flujos gradiente en espacios métricos"


18/01/2017 de 15:00 a 16:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Aula S01. FME-UPC

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CRM: The Mathematics of MemoryCRM: The Mathematics of Memory

We would like to inform you about the forthcoming CRM Intensive Research Program on The Mathematics of Memory, from January 16th to March 10th, 2017.


16/01/2017 fins a 10/03/2017 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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During the Research Program the following scientific events will be held: 

Memory school, from January 16th to 20th, 2017 

Symposia, from March 6th to 10th, 2017 

Master lectures, from January 20 to March 6th, 2016 

There are available grants addressed to PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers. You can find more information about this grant in the website: 

Description: The goal of this intensive research program is to push the boundaries of theoretical work on memory formation, consolidation and recall in humans and non-human animals. We aim to do this by 1. Bringing together top theoretical researchers working on models of memory, 2. Providing an in-depth introduction to memory science and a review of previous theoretical work in an open, relaxed school-like forum which will be open to student and young researchers, and 3. Exploring current challenges in memory science where theory and experiment meet. This last point will involve lectures by top researchers on their own cutting-edge work, as well as discussion sessions emphasizing brain storming and planting the seeds for future collaboration. We will invite both theoretical and experimental researchers. 

Please, feel free to distribute this information among your colleagues. We hope you find this information useful and look forward to hosting you at the CRM. 

Nicolas Brunei (University of Chicago), Sandro Romani (Janelia Research Campus) and Alex Roxin (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica).Program’s Scientific Organizers

Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
Reception & Administration
Campus de Bellaterra, Edifici C
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Tel.: + 34 93 581 10 81
Fax: + 34 93 581 22 02 


Abel in Barcelona

Us informem que el proper dia 16 de Gener de 2017 tindrà lloc la jornada científica ABEL IN BARCELONA.


16/01/2017 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC), Carrer del Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona

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Amb el patronatge de l’Acadèmia de Ciències i Lletres de Noruega, i amb la col.laboració de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans i de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, el simposi consisteix en tres conferències tipus col.loqui impartides per Louis Nirenberg, Premi Abel 2015, Luigi Ambrosio i Ben Green, members del Comitè Abel.

La inscripció és obligatòria, però gratuïta. La data límit és el dia 11 de gener.

Al migdia de la jornada es servirà un dinar a peu dret.

"Abel in Barcelona” és la setena edició d’una sèrie de jornades organitzades en diversos països, coincidint amb la celebració de l'última reunió anual del Comitè Abel. Considerem un privilegi per la comunitat científica catalana i la matemàtica en particular poder ser amfitrions d’aquesta activitat i us animem amb entusiasme a participar-hi.


Xavier Jarque, Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, President.

Marta Sanz-Solé, Universitat de Barcelona, membre del Comité Abel.


Seminari de Geometria Algebraica 2016-2017 (UB-UPC-UAB): Guillem Blanco

Seminari de Geometria Algebraica 2016-2017: On the integral closure of planar ideals de Guillem Blanco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). Divendres 13 de gener, 15h, Aula T2, FMI-UB.

  • Seminari de Geometria Algebraica 2016-2017 (UB-UPC-UAB): Guillem Blanco
  • 2017-01-13T15:00:00+01:00
  • 2017-01-13T16:00:00+01:00
  • Seminari de Geometria Algebraica 2016-2017: On the integral closure of planar ideals de Guillem Blanco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). Divendres 13 de gener, 15h, Aula T2, FMI-UB.

13/01/2017 de 15:00 a 16:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Aula T2, FMI-UB, Edifici Històric, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585, 08007, Barcelona

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On the integral closure of planar ideals:

Divendres 13 de gener, 15h, Aula T2, FMI-UB.


BGSMath Advanced Courses Spring 2017

The BGSMath announces the advanced courses on Category Theory, p-adic methods for Galois representations and modular forms, Random discrete structures, Algebraic and combinatorial phylogenetics, Interactions of harmonic analysis, combinatorics and number theory and Arithmetic properties of curves of small genus.

  • BGSMath Advanced Courses Spring 2017
  • 2017-01-10T00:00:00+01:00
  • 2017-07-07T23:59:59+02:00
  • The BGSMath announces the advanced courses on Category Theory, p-adic methods for Galois representations and modular forms, Random discrete structures, Algebraic and combinatorial phylogenetics, Interactions of harmonic analysis, combinatorics and number theory and Arithmetic properties of curves of small genus.

10/01/2017 fins a 07/07/2017 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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The Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics BGSMath offers intensive advanced graduate courses every semester on specialized topics.

The duration is 10 to 20 hours distributed along 2 to 3 weeks. Some are in connection with monthly programs while others stand alone.

The courses are organized by BGSMath members and taught by research leaders in the corresponding fields.

The courses offered in winter/spring 2017 are the following:

    • Category Theory 

From 10th January to 21th January, by Joachim Kock, and Tom Leinster.

    • p-adic methods for Galois representations and modular forms

From 30th January to 22th January, by Adrian Iovita, Vincent Pilloni, and Payman Kassaei.

    • Random discrete structures

From 29th May to 30th June, by Colin McDiarmid, Luc Devroye, David Conlon, Benny Sudakov, and Tobias Muller.

    • Algebraic and combinatorial phylogenetics

From 19th June to 7th July, by Mike Steel, Arndt von Haeseler, and Piotr Zwiernik.

    • Interactions of harmonic analysis, combinatorics and number theory

From 24th April to 19th May, by Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà, Juanjo Rué, Jorge Jimenez, Oriol Serra, and Pablo Candela.

    • Arithmetic properties of curves of small genus

From 14th to 24th February by Jordi Guàrdia, Joan-C. Lario, and Christophe Ritzenthaler.

More information and registration can be found in