Researchers from the CoDAlab research group win first prize in the "WeDoWind ASCE-EMI Structural Health Monitoring for Wind Energy Challenge"

Mar 25, 2025

Doctoral student Shun Wang, together with his thesis directors, professors Yolanda Vidal and Francesc Pozo, win the award for the work "Fault Detection in Wind Turbines Using Health Index Monitoring with Variational Autoencoders".

The WeDoWind ASCE-EMI Structural Health Monitoring for Wind Energy Challenge is a competition launched on June 21, 2024 as part of the WeDoWind RTDT research program, in collaboration with the ASCE-EMI (American Society of Civil Engineers - Engineering Mechanics Institute) Structural Integrity Monitoring and Control (SHM) Committee. This initiative seeks to develop and compare innovative methods for structural health monitoring in wind turbines, especially in a context where these structures are increasingly large and difficult to monitor in situ.

The winners of the award are the doctoral student Shun Wang, enrolled in the doctoral program in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics at the UPC, and his thesis supervisors, Associate Professor Yolanda Vidal (Department of Mathematics and head of the WinTurCoM - Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring research subgroup) and Professor Francesc Pozo (Department of Mathematics and head of the CoDAlab - Control, Data and Artificial Intelligence research group). The awarded work is "Fault Detection in Wind Turbines Using Health Index Monitoring with Variational Autoencoders".

The jury of the award, formed by internationally renowned researchers, such as Sarah Barber, Eleni Chatzi, Imad Abdallah, Jian Li, Fernando Moreu and Susu Xu, were impressed by the innovative and relevant semi-supervised methodology, the results in precision, as well as the high quality of the article and the presentation.">The WeDoWind ASCE-EMI Structural Health Monitoring for Wind Energy Challenge is a competition launched on June 21, 2024 as part of the WeDoWind RTDT research program, in collaboration with the ASCE-EMI (American Society of Civil Engineers - Engineering Mechanics Institute) Structural Integrity Monitoring and Control (SHM) Committee. This initiative seeks to develop and compare innovative methods for structural health monitoring in wind turbines, especially in a context where these structures are increasingly large and difficult to monitor in situ. The winners of the award are the doctoral student Shun Wang, enrolled in the doctoral program in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics at the UPC, and his thesis supervisors, Associate Professor Yolanda Vidal (Department of Mathematics and head of the WinTurCoM - Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring research subgroup) and Professor Francesc Pozo (Department of Mathematics and head of the CoDAlab - Control, Data and Artificial Intelligence research group). The awarded work is "Fault Detection in Wind Turbines Using Health Index Monitoring with Variational Autoencoders". The jury of the award, formed by internationally renowned researchers, such as Sarah Barber, Eleni Chatzi, Imad Abdallah, Jian Li, Fernando Moreu and Susu Xu, were impressed by the innovative and relevant semi-supervised methodology, the results in precision, as well as the high quality of the article and the presentation.