
Grups i centres de Recerca

Research groups Contact Person

ACES - Control Avançat de Sistemes d'Energia

The aim of the group is to contribute to the progress of scientific knowledge, the training of specialized personnel and the diffusion of technological advances, in the field of modeling and control of complex systems, and its application to problems related to the generation, conditioning, management and storage of electrical energy.

Josep Maria Olm

CoDAlab - Control, Data and Artificial Intelligence

CoDAlab is an active group at an interdisciplinary intersection of areas such as applied mathematics, systems engineering and control, energy, or biomedical engineering. Research within CoDAlab progresses in two interrelated directions: a theoretical one, providing insights to the state of the art; and an applied one, developing useful tools in real-world systems, especially in mechanical systems, civil engineering, and more recently, in the field of biomedical engineering.

Francesc Pozo

COMBGRAF - Combinatorics, Graph Theory and  applications

The research group has a wide range of interests including Extremal Problems in Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Algebraic Graph Theory, Additive Combinatorics, Graph coloring, Graph labelings and decompositions, Combinatorial Geometry, Geomteric and Combinatorial Group Theory or Complex Networks.

Miquel Àngel Fiol 

DCCG-Discrete, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry

Computational geometry is a discipline that lies between mathematics and theoretical computer science. The research group DCCG studies problems from computational geometry and its applications, discrete and combinatorial geometry, and graph theory. We also study structural and geometric aspects of graphs/networks.

Clemens Huemer

GREDPA - Partial Differential Equations and Applications

The aims of the present Research Group are the study of several subjects in the field of Partial Differential Equations (PDE’s) and their applications, also combined with the study of other mathematical tools to deal with some specific models. A particular emphasis is put into models that come from Physics, Mathematical Biology, and technological applications.

Xavier Cabré

gAGE - Research group of Astronomy and Geomatics

Research and development in the field of precise GNSS navigation (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and SBAS) and earth observation (atmospheric sounding of the ionosphere and troposphere). Modelling of earth-science processes and systems, including biotechnology.

Jaume Sanz

GAPCOMB - Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilistic Combinatorics

 The aim is to carry out research in the fields of enumerative combinatorics, algebraic combinatorics and graph theory.

Marc Noy

GEOMVAP - Geometry of Varieties and Applications

L'objectiu general del grup és estudiar propietats d'estructures matemàtiques de tipus geomètric, com ara varietats algebraiques, simplèctiques, diferencials, etc., i es pretén fer des de diferents punts de vista (global, local, dinàmic, de cara a les aplicacions) i usant diferents tècniques (geomètriques, algebraiques, topològiques, aritmètiques, diferencials i computacionals).

Eva Miranda

GRAA - Research Group in Applied Analysis

The main aim of the research group is to study thermomechanical problems that can be modelled in terms of partial differential equations. The group field of interest is broad, however, and includes not only thermal problems but also other subjects that can be modelled in terms of initial and boundary value problems.

Ramon Quintanilla

GRHCT - Group of Research on History of Science and Technology

The group's aims are as follows: a) to carry out and promote research on the history of science and technology; b) to disseminate the results of research to the School of Industrial Engineering, to the Technical University of Catalonia and to the academic world in general; c) to lend support to the teaching and research activities of the units and groups of the Technical University of Catalonia; and d) to foster the conservation, recovery, reuse and study of our cultural and technical heritage.

Maria Rosa Massa

GRTJ - Game Theory Research Group

Research in the foundations and applications of game theory. The main theoretical lines are the following: (a) cooperative games and solution concepts; (b) collective decision-making mechanisms and power indices; (c) restrictions to cooperation; (d) multiplicity of alternatives; and (e) software. The areas of application include economics, political science, sociology, management, industrial scheduling and technologies such as cryptography and reliability.

Xavier Molinero

IonSAT - Research Group of Ionospheric Determination and Navigation based on Satellite and Terrestrial Systems

Research, development and prototyping in the field of precise ionospheric determination (such as the total electron content, electron density, ionospheric waves,solar flare signatures, scintillation, seismic-related signatures, among others), space weather and precise navigation, based on satellite systems.

Manuel Hernández

MAK - Mathematics Applied to Cryptography

The main goal of the research group is the study of mathematical problems in cryptology. The main research areas are the following: distributed cryptography and secure protocols. The groups working on cryptographic protocols have to share secret information. Multi-party computation and secret-sharing schemes are also studied. The aim of secure cryptographic protocolsis to analyse and design efficient and secure protocols, both for encryption and for digital signatures.

Jorge Luis Villar

MAPTHE - Anàlisi Matricial i Teoria Discreta del Potencial

The research activities carried out in the working group MAPTHE framed in the context of discrete mathematics, specifically in the study of parameters that report on connectivity and structural properties of networks. The techniques used by the group comes from the fields of Combinatorics and Discrete Potential Theory.

María José Jimenez

SCL-EG - Linear Control Systems: A Geometric Approach

L'activitat del grup s'emmarca en la Teoria de Sistemes, tenint com a distintiu l'ús sistemàtic de tècniques geomètriques. El projecte entrecreua dues línies de treball: els subespais A-invariants i els sistemes bimodals, commutats i multi-agents. Un altre problema a estudiar és el del desacoblament de les pertorbacions de xarxes dinàmiques tractant de dissenyar una realimentació per fer que el sistema de circuit tancat sigui desacoblat on els subespais invariants controlats juguen un paper clau.

M. Isabel Garcia Planas 

SD - Dynamical Systems

La seva activitat de recerca està dirigida al desenvolupament de mètodes analítics i numèrics per sistemes dinàmics, gaudint de lideratge científic en diversos temes, com Integrabilitat, Objectes invariants, Teoria K.A.M., Camps vectorials plans i aplicacions a neurociència, Mètode de Poincaré-Melnikov, Escissió exponencialment petita de separatrius, Difusió, Mecànica Celest i Astrodinàmica.

Tere M. Seara


This research group aims to promote the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines from their social side. One way to achieve greater motivation of STEM students, from a didactic point of view, is through contextualization, illustrating the teaching of basic sciences through technological or engineering applications.

Marta Peña

TN - Number Theory Research Group

The group aims to carry out research in number theory and arithmetic geometry.

Joan Carles Lario

Research Centers and Institutes

Centre d'Estadística i Matemàtiques Aplicades a l'Edificació (CEMAE)

Space Science and Technology Research Centre (CTE-CRAE)

Centre de Geometria i Sistemes Dinàmics

Institut de Matemàtiques de la UPC-BarcelonaTech (IMTech)

External research groups (participated by members of the Department) Contact person

 BIOCOM-SC- Biologia Computacional i Sistemes Complexos 

El grup estudia sistemes fora d'equilibri mitjançant tècniques de dinàmica no lineal i la seva aplicació a l'autoorganització de sistemes complexos, formació de patrons espai-temporals, sistemes biofísics, ciència dels materials, dispositius a nanoescala, estudis i mesures en acústica arquitectònica i ambiental i energètica.

EGEO - Enginyeria Geomàtica

Investigació bàsica i aplicada a les àrees de treball clàssiques de la Geodèsia, la Teledetecció i Fotogrametria, la Topografia, i, en general, totes les relacionades amb la informació geogràfica i la seva representació cartogràfica. Però amb especial atenció als nous sensors i tècniques per la captura, processat, emmagatzematge i tractament de la informació geogràfica: sistemes GNSS (GPS, GALILEO,...), sensors Làser Escàner (LIDAR, terrestre i aeri), altimetria i captura d'imatges per satèl.lit, avaluació de riscos naturals emprant GIS, etc


GNOM - Group of Numerical Optimization and Modelling

The group works on both the numerical optimisation and the modelling of problems that can be solved through optimisation. Its work on numerical optimisation includes the analysis of new optimisation algorithms (linear, nonlinear, continuous and integer) and their convergence, the development of numerical procedures for their efficient computational implementation, and the comparison to existing algorithms.

Jordi Castro

GREC - Knowledge Engineering Research Group

The group main fields of study are the theory and application of learning systems and qualitative reasoning. The group is involved in researching and developing ubiquitous soft computing technologies in areas of application that lead to the improvement of the quality of life of people and communities.

Cecilio Angulo

INSIDE - Innovation in Systems for Engineering Design and Training

El grup de investigació INSIDE té com objectiu la innovació, el desenvolupament i la investigació relacionades amb els sistemes de aprofitament energètic sostenible i ergonòmic. Així com I+D+I en els sistemes, les metodologies i les estratègies d'aplicació de eines multimèdia i audiovisuals al disseny i a la formació tecnològica.

Francisco Javier Villasevil

LACÀN - Numerical Methods for Applied Sciences and Engineering

LaCàN's research is focussed on mathematical modeling and computational mechanics. More precisely, it strives on: (1) development and analysis of computational methods and (2) applications in applied sciences and engineering that provide significant added value.

Antonio Huerta

LARCA - Laboratory of Relational Algorithmics, Complexity and Learnability

LARCA is an international research group working on data mining, machine learning, data analysis, and mathematical linguistics. We typically approach problems from sound mathematical principles, using modelling tools and techniques from algorithmics, computational complexity, automata theory, logic, discrete mathematics, statistics, and dynamic systems. We are also starting partnerships with companies and other institutions to apply our solutions to real-world problems.

Ricard Gavaldà

SARTI - Technological Development Center for Remote Acquisition and Data Processing System

The aim of the group is the scientific and technological development of remote acquisition systems and equipment, with a particular emphasis on virtual instrumentation and oceanography, including simulations and statistical analysis methods, using advanced electronic design techniques.

Mariano Lopez 

SIC - Smart Control Systems

Temporal and frequency analysis of signals and complex systems based on Artificial Intelligence techniques; Design of controllers for complex systems based on Artificial Intelligence techniques; Intelligent supervision and monitoring of complex systems; Optimization of complex systems using Artificial Intelligence techniques; Sensor data validation and reconstruction using Artificial Intelligence techniques

Ramon Pérez

VIRVIG - Visualització, Realitat Virtual i Interacció Gràfica

In 2012, the Research Center for Visualization, Virtual Reality and Graphics Interaction was created joining the expertise of Moving Group from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and Geometry and Graphics Group from University of Girona (UdG).

Carlos Andújar