Eva Miranda
Full Professor- ICREA Academia distinguished Full Professor// Professora Catedràtica- Distinció ICREA Acadèmia
I am a Full Professor and ICREA Academia Professor at the Department of Mathematics at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. I am also Doctor Vinculado at CSIC-ICMAT and chercheur associé at Observatoire de Paris-PSL Research University in Paris where I have been Chaire d'Excellence de la Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris in 2017-2018. I am the director of the Laboratory of Geometry and Dynamical Systems and the group leader of GEOMVAP (Geometry of Varieties and Applications). My research deals with several aspects of Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Dynamical Systems such as Symplectic and Poisson Geometry, Group actions and Geometric Quantization (for details click here Research).
In 2017 I've been awarded with an Excellence Research Chair at the Fondation des Sciences Mathématiques de Paris and with an ICREA Acadèmia Prize. What's next? I am one of the invited speakers at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics 8ECM.
I am a member of the BGSMath Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics and since May 2018 a member of its governing board.
My research is financed by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies via an ICREA Academia 2016 Prize and partially supported by several research projects. I am the principal investigator of the AGAUR SGR research project GEOMVAP with code 2017SGR932 (21 members) and the MTM research project MTM2015-69135-P/FEDER, Geometría y Topología de variedades, álgebra y aplicaciones (together with Marta Casanellas). From September 2017 until February 2018, I have been a Chaire d'Excellence de la Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris and my work has been supported by a public grant overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the "Investissements d'Avenir" program (reference: ANR-10-LABX-0098). I am also a member of the research project EXPLORA ciencia MTM2015-72876-EXP based at ICMAT-CSIC (Members: Alberto Ibort, Eva Miranda and Francisco Presas(IP)). I am a collaborator of the National Science Foundation project New Avenues in Symplectic Geometry DMS 12/11819 (PI: Jonathan Weitsman).
My webpage: https://mat-web.upc.edu/people/eva.miranda/index.htm
EPSEB, Av. del Doctor Marañón 44-50 08028, Barcelona, SPAIN
Webpage: https://mat-web.upc.edu/people/eva.miranda/index.htm