
Activitats Passades

12/06/2017 a 09:30 fins a 16/06/2017 a 13:00 Biblioteca de Matemàtiques, C3, Campus Nord,
"Geometric Networks" is a workshop within the project H2020-MSCA-RISE-734922 CONNECT given to Clemens Huemer. Monday 12th of June to Thursday 15th of June, 09:30 to 18:00. Friday 16th of June, 09:30 to 13:00.
15/06/2017 de 16:00 a 18:00 Sala de Juntes de la FME,
The Discretizable Molecular Distance Geometry Problem (DMDGP) is related to the determination of 3D protein structures using distance information detected by NMR measurements. An atomic order can be defined such that the distances related to each four consecutive atoms are available, implying that the search space of the problem can be represented by a tree. Conformal Geometric Algebra (CGA) can be used to model the search and to deal with the uncertainties in the data.
15/06/2017 de 12:15 a 13:15 Room S215 Omega Building, Campus Nord UPC (equiv.: Room S215 Floor -2),
Computational Geometry Seminar: Non-kissing complexes of gentle quivers de Vincent Pilaud (CNRS & École Polytechnique). Dijous 15 de juny a les 12:15.
09/06/2017 des de 15:00 Aula T2, FMI-UB-Edifici Històric, Gran Via de Les Corts Catalanes, 585, Barcelona 08007,
Seminari de Geometria Algebraica UB-UPC-UAB: On the weak bounded negativity conjecture for blow-ups of the complex projective plane de Piotr Pokora (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Alemanya). Divendres 9 de juny, 15h, Aula T2, FMI-UB.
08/06/2017 de 10:00 a 12:20 Sala d’actes ETSEIB. Planta Baixa. Diagonal 647,
El punt de vista de les Unitats Bàsiques com a receptores de serveis de les UTGs.
06/06/2017 de 10:30 a 12:30 Room 103, Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística, Campus Sud UPC,
Seminari LIMDA: Independent sets in hypergraphs and Ramsey properties of graphs and the integers de Robert Hancock (Robert Hancock, Univ. of Birmingham). Dimarts 6 de Juny a les 10:30. I Improper relaxations of Hadwiger’s Conjecture de David Wood (Monash University). Dimarts 6 de Juny a les 12:30.