
Activitats Passades

27/09/2023 de 12:00 a 14:00 Escola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est (EEBE),
L'EEBE obre el cicle de conferències de Ciència i Cinema a l'EEBE aquest curs amb el títol "Maths saves The Last of Us" a càrrec d'Ángeles Carmona, Andrés M. Encinas i Ma. José Jiménez, investigadores del grup de recerca MAPTHE de la UPC.
02/07/2023 fins a 05/07/2023 ETSAB, UPC,
The 2nd Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference ( will take place in Barcelona, from Sunday 2nd to Wednesday 5th July 2023, and hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Authors are invited to submit individual contributions (Deadline for submission of abstracts is February 28, 2023). This conference is the second of a series of biennial conferences aiming to cover all fields of fluid mechanics at a national level. The conference is open to students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, as well as researchers working in national laboratories, research centers and industry. Researchers working at institutions outside Spain are also welcomed.
28/06/2023 fins a 30/06/2023 Aula Màster, A3 building of the North Campus,
The 22nd International Couette-Taylor Workshop ( will be held in Barcelona, the 28th-30th June 2023. The workshop will be hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. This current 22nd edition will be special, as we will celebrate the centennial of the cornerstone paper by G. I. Taylor, published in 1923, that has probably been the most influential work within the field of hydrodynamic stability theory. Important date: Deadline for submission of abstracts is February 28, 2023